New Council, New Way Forward

Happy New Year!

We are happy to announce that the Croatian Cultural Society of Victoria (CCSV) has a new council. At the annual general meeting on January 8, 2023 (continued from October 23, 2022), members elected the following:

·     Hrvoje (Herv) Kegalj, president (and director, “Ajmo Dečki” tamburitza group)

·     Mary Čolak, vice president, secretary, communications

·     Justin Brajković, treasurer

·     Ivan Hrgovich, Croatian language

·     Sue Matković, director at large (and kolo choreographer and teacher)

The new council has already started planning for 2023 and beyond. In addition, we hope to appoint a few more directors over the next few weeks.

Our number one goal is to improve communications with our community and recharge what circumstances have depleted over the past several years.

It’s time to get back to work and bring the community back together.

I hope you will join us to reinvigorate Victoria’s Croatian community.


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